Since June 2023 we are beyond duality, this even more powerful through now Global Circle of Sovereign Beings (I AM)
See below Facebook Live we co-created no 127-130 below. All earlier 120 co-created healing you welcome compliment with renewed Phrase "Thank you my Earthly & Higher selves merging and receiving healing via Michael for my and Earth highest good"
Global Circle of Sovereign Being( IAM):
Sacred Egypt Reawakening(nov 2023): 8 healing + more:
You welcome to join NEW Earth now mini-revolution(get maximum empowerment) all here for easier replay/sharing
9 different 🔑 & healing:
🌸Feminine (surrender, let go....
🌸Masculine (Manifest, Courage..
🌸Adance Starseed way
🌸Communicate to your Tribe
🌸Arrive. Welcome. Embody
🌸Beyond Duality Healing 1:1
🌸Global Circle of Sovereign Being
🌸Return Home safely, fully
Journey to mystical East
Earlier in 2023 important co-created together:
no129. (v32.9, v4.10 VIP bilocation: Panther Meadows, Mt Shasta)
no130. Welcome Home. Arrive. Sacred Feminine facilitating return of Sacred & Earthy Masculine
no131. Preview, healing & upgrade: 4th Academy (Feeling great, healthy, full of prana Being - IAM)
no132. Healing, upgrade & reawakening: Sacred Divine Healer & Facilitator( I AM)
no133. Prepare, upgrade, preview.. helping Lightworkers, Healers, Starseeds navigate from their I AM, into new awareness
This is very Special Section dedicated to greatly help YOU with connection/reawakening of infinite inner peace, joy, happiness, love, expression ("Heaven on Earth").
Transcending Emotions, limitations & stepping into I AM.
Base on 1000s years cumulative experience of 100s Healers, Lightworkers & Earth Angels this is fantastic opportunity and uses some of most powerful & liberating healing & Ascension tools and higher dimensional technologies to help you embrace and uplift your & ancestors emotions to higher vibration state and helping humanity upto x1000+. I done 5000+ below replays, been liberating & remarkable journey.​
Below are some of the reasons to take part in GCL Emotional & Energy Mastery ( 120+ sessions, arranged for easier replay in 16 sections with 5-20 in each see links below. We also have 100+ unique advance & expert sessions in VIP Section for Members)

1. During period of change, release, turmoil discomfort
Anytime you don't feel yourself 100% physically, emotionally or mentally >> please consider taking part using those or our YouTube after 1,2, 4 session 98%+ reported feeling much better, more clarity, inner peace
I often do upto 6 one after each other during big shift/release) , but you start to transcend this pattern and reconnect much deeper within and Divine.
2. When in pain, have some illness, condition
Our physical body and well being is reflection of our energy. Universe trying to help and guide us during our learning and adventure. Each organ typically accumulate particular emotion(s) a lot more. Try all below and see which 1-2 more you need to embrace and try to repeat 10-30 times over period of 10 - 30 days, mixing with our Youtube session for healing causes of pain and relaxation.
3. Healers, Empath, Lightworkers & Just curious
We are all one connected through ancestors, past lives, Earth, Divine.. in many ways & dimensions there are 100-1000s golden threads between each one of us. You deeper transcending, embracing, liberating yourself actually setting new possibilities, ways, opportunities for all Humans, at same time x1000 healing for everyone especially people that are related to you, friends and near by.
4. 5th Dimensional Mastery here on Earth
Those sessions very part of what is needed to start living Heaven on Earth and regaining infinite potential and abundance. If you do any emotion 10 replays reach level1, 30 replays (level2) ... similarly 100 of any of those (level1) , 200 (level2) you will see/feel difference. I completed level4 for anger(11), and lv3 fear(10), sadness(21). joy(38) etc
Healing, uplift & Embrace. Higher Dimensions(see list of special sessions below): Below are brief talks touching on particular emotions, some experiences, ways to express, deal and more importantly followed by healing session we co-creating together more safe, peaceful, healthy and joyful next 3 month
All earlier 120 co-created healing you welcome compliment with renewed GCSB Phrase "Thank you my Earthly & Higher selves merging and receiving healing via Michael for my and Earth highest good"
Here are healing & talk sessions arranged over 16 pages (5-20 sessions each page):
New in 2022 ( no118-123):
no122 Welcome Divine Galactic Feminine & return of Sacred Feminine
no123 Prepare, accelerate, embody 2nd Phase of Divine Galactic Feminine & return of Sacred Feminine
New in 2023
no38.2 Embracing, opening to new levels of Joy. Earthy & Soul
no125 Truth. Empowerment. Infinite Opportunities & Possibilities
no126. Sovereign Being Academy(Intro, Preview, Preparation, Upgrade healing)
Earlier 2020-21 important stepping stones :
Session 9-13: Anger. Fear, Grief, Unforgiveness & Resentment, Judgements
Session 14-18: Frustration, Abandonment & rejection, Jealousy & Envy, Betrayal, Arrogance & Superior)
Session 19-23: Doubt, Not good Enough / Worthless, Sadness & Depression, Repulsion & Disgust, Revenge & Vendetta
Session 24-28: Disappointment & regret, Cravings (Food, sugar, alcohol, cigarette...), Victimhood & Blame, Sexual Energy & Pleasure, Guilt & sin
Session 29-33: Money & cash, Happy, Accepted, Passion, Ascended Masters..
Session 34-38: Curious, Bliss, Intimate, Working, Joy
Session 39-43: Enlightenment, Successful, Playful, Love & Loved, Courageous
Session 44-48: Anxious & Worried, Trauma, Shame, Shock, EGO
Session 49-53: Advance. Elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Union of Elements ( Spirit/Ether)
Session 54-58: Advance. Senses: Seeing, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch
Session 59-63: Advance. Psychic Senses & Abilities: Trust, Inner Knowing, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience
Session 64-68: Life balance activities: Sleep, Eating & food, Using Computer & Mobile Phone, Driving, Exercise & Walking
Session 69-79: Advance: Communication:-Speaking & Public Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening, Arguments & Discussion, Expressing Emotions, Dancing, Art & Crafts, Being seen & popular, Being heard & understood, Chanting & Humming & Singing
Session 95-99: Advance: Vital Organs: Brain, heart, kidneys. liver, lungs
Session 100-117: Advance: Art of Being: Healthy breathing, Rest, Meditation, Healing, Kundalini, Being grounded, Healthy, Ascension, Forgiveness, Compassion, Patience, Tantric & Orgasmic Sex, Fasting, Yoga, Giving (helping, caring, supporting), Receiving(help, care, support), Selfish ( lacking consideration for other people), Altruism (disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others), New GCL way(21st century& Earth Angel way of living, being, Ascension..)
200+ VIP healing sessions: Partner ( special person for you), Home (special place you live), Face, Mouth(tongue, teeth, gums, jaws, throat), Income & Wealth, Earth Angel, Tax, Perfect as I am, Divine Masculine, Future self, Benefitting from GCL, Divine Feminine, Theta (Brain wave/State of being), Delta (Brain wave/State of being), Obstacles & Challenges ( adventures & opportunities), Healthy, Crystalline City, City of Light, Biosphere for Earth Angels
8 Vortex sessions: Glastonbury; Avebury; Stonehenge; Mt Shasta; Crater Lake, Chicxulub Crater, Andes, Lake Titicaca
Below selection of few different ( see links above or below to access all 110+ sessions)
38th Joy ( Healing meditation starts ~4.55min) our shortest session ~6min
33rd Ascended Masters ( Healing meditation ~13:45min)
Session 9-13: Anger. Fear, Grief, Unforgiveness & Resentment, Judgements
Session 14-18: Frustration, Abandonment & rejection, Jealousy & Envy, Betrayal, Arrogance & Superior)
Session 19-23: Doubt, Not good Enough / Worthless, Sadness & Depression, Repulsion & Disgust, Revenge & Vendetta
Session 24-28: Disappointment & regret, Cravings (Food, sugar, alcohol, cigarette...), Victimhood & Blame, Sexual Energy & Pleasure, Guilt & sin
Session 29-33: Money & cash, Happy, Accepted, Passion, Ascended Masters..
Session 34-38: Curious, Bliss, Intimate, Working, Joy
Session 39-43: Enlightenment, Successful, Playful, Love & Loved, Courageous
Session 44-48: Anxious & Worried, Trauma, Shame, Shock, EGO
Session 49-53: Advance. Elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Union of Elements ( Spirit/Ether)
Session 54-58: Advance. Senses: Seeing, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Sense of Touch
Session 59-63: Advance. Psychic Senses & Abilities: Trust, Inner Knowing, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience
Session 64-68: Life balance activities: Sleep, Eating & food, Using Computer & Mobile Phone, Driving, Exercise & Walking
Session 69-75: Advance: Communication:-Speaking & Public Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening, Arguments & Discussion, Expressing Emotions, Dancing, Art & Crafts, Being seen & popular, Being heard & understood, Chanting & Humming & Singing
Session 80-94: Expert: Higher Connection:
Angel & Archangels, God/Divine/Source, Star & Light Beings, Dragons, Galactic Beings, Higherself, Fairies & Mystical Creatures, Lemuria, Atlantis, Moon & Planets, Spirit Guides, Power/Totem Animals, Crystals, Trees & plants ( Earth Angels, Future-self, Ascended Masters)
Session 95-99: Advance: Vital Organs: Brain, heart, kidneys. liver, lungs
Session 100-117: Advance: Art of Being: Healthy breathing, Rest, Meditation, Healing, Kundalini, Being grounded, Healthy, Ascension, Forgiveness, Compassion, Patience, Tantric & Orgasmic Sex, Fasting, Yoga, Giving (helping, caring, supporting), Receiving(help, care, support), Selfish ( lacking consideration for other people), Altruism (disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others), New GCL way