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Global Circle of Sovereign Beings (I AM) offers an instant (powerful, unique, simple & very advance way) to connect from anywhere anytime to heal, co-create, advance, transform, grow.  This can be accessed  without computer using GCSB Phrase  or using any of GCSB YouTube sessions.


Bonus, accelerated & amplified, empowering 2 healing circle a week:

Those are some of most advance & empowering ways to co-create together more peace, joy, happiness, love, abundance for us, our families, humanity & Earth.

People have reported 100s miraculous healing, transformation, shifts on multiple levels and covering every area or aspect of life.  (Healing is a journey and you receive what you ready each time, it compliment any medicine, treatment or therapy)


2 times a week, join for amount of time you able ( even few minutes beneficial):

  1. 8- 9:30pm BST Tuesday  ( 3pm EST / 12noon PST / Europe 9pm CET & South Africa)  (Wednesday: / Australia 6am / New Zealand 8am 

Here fortnighly: Re-calibration, healing of body(s) to have healthier, calmer, deeper sleep ( need to register)


  1.  Saturday 8-10:45pm BST ( 3pm EST / 12pm PST)  Sunday: Sydney 6am / New Zealand 8am 
    • See below individual weekly topics​

    • Intensive healing, with opportunity upto 6 x20min healing meditation

    • see below different circle each Saturday


  • open to all

  • for details,  updates, direct links & more please join:

  • You welcome to discretely join/leave & re-join anytime during. â€‹


​​​14th September 8pm BST

21st Deeper Healing of our physical body ( healing upset & angry parts of our body, promoting greater well being and harmony ) 


21st September 8pm BST

24th Intensive Healing: Harmony, balance & Union of Divine & Sacred Feminine & Masculine.  


28th September 8pm BST

25th Intensive Healing and awakening our Root & Earth Chakra 


5 October 8pm BST

13th  Intensive Healing to allow greater confidence, Self worth & Self Esteem, healing & unlocking limitations.   


12 October 8pm BST

35th Intensive: Lemuria, reawakening to Goddess energy of the Earth 


19 October 8pm BST

19th Intensive Healing & activation to allow better, clearer eyesight & vision and healthier, more relaxed eyes 


26 October 8pm BST

18th Intensive Healing & deeper surrender anything contributing to our health issues & pain (exclusive


2nd November 8pm  GMT

14th Intensive Healing to allow greater Communication &  Speaking abilities & confidence, healing & unlocking limitations. 


9th November 8pm  GMT

17th Intensive: Atlantis reawaken & accepting our inner infinite power & abundance merging with our infinite love


16th November 8pm  GMT

22nd Intensive Healing & activation to allow greater abundance, income & money 


23rd November 8pm  GMT

13th Intensive Healing to allow greater Joy, Happiness & Magic in life, healing & unlocking limitations.



2nd December: 9pm GMT

12th Intensive Healing & upgrade on all levels to easily & grounded hold more light & embody our Higher-self more fully) 





21st December, 9pm GMT 

4rd Healing & Manifesting best possible & magical 2024. Healing & unlocking limitations, dissolving any obstacles &  reducing challenges.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹



1. Why register required ( for non members)

Intention, action before participating is important, you start receive the benefit and healing as soon you register. This helps us to hold and  maintain a safe, nice space as people who interested take part:- 


2. Contributions / Cost

Session are free to anyone contributing  monthly to GCSB. Either via paypal or some members offering exchange. 


Zoom does cost time and money to run, your generous contributions greatly appreciated to continue these sessions also for the Global Circle of Sovereign Beings community. 


Suggestion is £10. However, you are welcome to contribute the amount you are able. See below option to contribute £5 or £10 for 1 or for multiple sessions.


3. Contact if you have any questions/comments

Easiest on FB Messenger

or just email:



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