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Below are some of  experiences during healing sessions. More are in Facebook group. You do not have to feel or experience anything to benefit. 

See  few recent testimonials, many really enjoying just listing to sample session 5y.o. is our youngest participant. 

1. "I so enjoy the give and take it is wonderful 4-5 a week it is getting addicting. I will be doing more !!!!", Kristine

2. "I’ve done this twice now - and felt amazing, and lifted after the first time", Parminder

3. "It’s good medicine for sure! Makes it even easier to turn in and participate in this powerful healing opportunity", Laura

4. "Thank you. This is amazing. It works. Love it. Thank you again!!! ❤️"

5. "I've done this one 3 times, very healing", Marisa

6. "I now ask permission to speak n then i thank my higher self for guiding me. All several times daily", Dorothy

7. "Took part late last night. This time the energy flowing was throughout my body , my hands, arms, chest, feet all tingling. Once again I felt my head glowing and flowing with massive amounts of energy like with session of AA Uriel, forgot to mention I had Mother Mary & Jesus coning through at the healings yesterday. Truly feeling blessed". Charlene

8. "Feeling a shift my sleep pattern is amazingly better . Saw one of my sons yesterday able to enjoy the visit and say no to money request. Always a big deal. Meditating twice a day. Thank you for the opportunity"

9. "I had a wonderful quiet meeting with a female Emerald Green Dragon in a large forest and she knew exactly where I needed to be healed. She also said that she was my protector in all my passed lives and that I was very tired and needed to recharge my batteries as I needed to get better and that it would take a while to get rid of the swelling from my knees down and the stomach cramps. It was such a beautiful session and I would not have thought it was 20 minutes as I was enjoying it so much. Blessings"

10. "Dear Mikhail, My very young relatives had Very Powerful Healing Experiences while listening to your Beautiful audio session. They saw Beautiful images of Pink Flowers, the Sun, Rainbow Mermaids, Happy Pets playing together in flowers. Their beloved dog recently crossed over, and they saw him playing with other family pets with him. One young relative also heard and saw a Beautiful Divine Message that said ALWAYS LOVE YOURSELF surrounded in Pink Hearts!!! So Powerful, Beautiful & Inspirational... Wonderful Reminders From Beautiful Earth Angels with Joy, Elation & Childlike Wonder! Much Gratitude & Love to you All"

11. "I had a very pleasant experience listening to that this morning. Set my day up in a nice way. Thanks 2.So Wonderful! Most Excellent! Beautiful Synchronicity with many birds on my back deck chirping happily as the recorded birds chirped on the audio Healing session! Beautifully worded with relaxing sounds of nature. I LOVE It & I Look forward to more superb sessions, too. 3 Thank you for posting this, it brought clarity to the process. Also the healing energy is very powerful and focused. Have a great day everyone! 4. I did session yesterday. Beautiful."

12. "I joined global circle of light a few months ago and i asked for deep healing. the first two weeks i got an awful rash all over my body and the following two weeks I was actually vomiting due to my nerves and could barely function to just do everyday tasks. I had been tuning in via phrase every weekend and other link ups that where going on. now a few weeks later Im actually feeling stronger than ever before... of course i still wobble every now and then but i have to say, i believe taking part in these healing sessions have helped me so much and would encourage anyone who is struggling to try this even for a month and you will feel an immense difference. Thank you so much . i will continue to join up and amplify the healing for others and my continuing healing"

Circle 4 - some experiences

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