Thank your for your interest to participate in Global Circle of Sovereign Beings ( IAM).
There are now 4 unique ways to participate and enjoy our unique & powerful healing​.
Open to anyone
any ability & belief
how you feel
you don't need to understand English
You always benefit and contribute to 100% your ability which typically x100+.
Just listen as much of our YouTube as often as you able, regardless your ability or how you feel. See below more details for to increase level & intensity of participation
Usually most of us take part anywhere, anytime. Try any below YouTube sessions to better understand, idea about surrender and how use our Phrase
1. Simple Any Time no computer:
Just think of GCSB phrase to instantly connect: "Thank you my Earthly & Higher selves merging and receiving healing & recharging via Michael for my and Earth highest good"
and any music, meditation or yoga/art/drumming for 1-30min but any amount is beneficial
2. Anytime using Youtube: to amplify specific benefit for you and humanity
See 7 simple sessions below: Better Sleep, More Joy & Creativity, Reduce Pain, Ascended Master(within), Loved, Mother Healing, 1st GCL session ** Please compliment using above renewed Phrase
Participation intensities (updated during upgrade on 17th October 2023)
Level0: People included in this week's healing as not aware, not taking part change is more gradual and depends solely on their Higherself. Typically 5,000,000+ taking part on Soul levels.
Some people involved before GCL or GCSB, or aware of current healing or group by choice of Higherself or their weaker intention can link in with x1-100 amplification
Level1: anyone using Phrase, YouTube sessions. You are more aware and in control so change more rapid and contribution greater, your Higherself better able to help you. ( Less then 7 meditation a week ) Typically link up with x1000+ amplification, depending why you take part and how long been involved
Level 2: participation is being more aware, open, passionate and being in our community who typically take part 4+ times a week. We suggest join our VIP, as much stronger intention, more included in Higher Dimensional & Sacred Space of Global Circle of Sovereign Being ( through own intention, appreciation, devotion, trust) Typically link up with x1000-10,000+ amplification
Level 3, when person linking up through GCSB 4+ sessions a week in own time and also joins our online amplified healing sessions each Tuesday or Saturday ) Typically x10,000-100,000 amplifier possible
Level4: For I AM initiatives (Academy currently 4th) combination VIP, LIVE Zoom healing and typically taking part 14+ times a week often investment 1-2hour a day in own time 100,000+ amplified
3. More advance, especially if you feeling particular emotion (session 42 and 33 included as sample above)
GCL Emotional Mastery 125+ sessions to Uplift, Embrace & Transcend ( Anger, Fear, Sadness, Money, Carvings, Frustration, Judgement, Resentments and many other)
4. Most intense and uplifting : our Tuesday or Saturday online zoom sessions
Here is link to some music a as suggestion:
Nature music:
Dolphin sounds:
Whale music:
Flute/native American:
Suggestions for people that does not have time
Each night connect as just before you ready to sleep
Most found this helps get quicker and better sleep
To connect distantly – if you haven’t before, the energy is just as powerful as in person, the Distant Healing often bring more powerful healing. Each participant is included in the group, hence to get maximum benefit you confirm participation.
Just a note on please let go of any expectations of your experience – both during and after. We find that for transmissions everyone receives what they need, and you may have a very intense blissful experience or a more subtle one. Just being open to receive this energy is enough and visualise white light coming towards you, as this often helps. There is no need to clear your mind; it will work regardless of your conscious state.