Our weekly healing & co-creation sessions are equivalent to 10,000,000+ people meditating individually. Many synchronicities and positive developments are noticed by participants related to previous healing topics, including many BBC News.
The focus of the group is to create a sacred and loving space so that each and every one safely receive 100% of what they need now. The more joy, love, and abundance you give and receive, the more you are able to share. What you give out is returned to you many times over.
healing happened in: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 , earlier in 2023 & 2024
Dates of Upcoming Healing Circles 2025
Healing takes place at the level of unity consciousness. We join/contribute via our Higherself. This means that it is possible for anyone, anywhere to participate, regardless of their location, circumstances, age or experience.
Added formally 4th July 2024, implicitly 17 January 2023
**** 2025 main theme of year: Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace.
January 2025. Upgrade, reawakening Global Circle of Sovereign Beings & active participants to greatly help facilitate Unity Consciousness deeply transformational year Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024)
February 2025. Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024) - Especially Root Chakra of Heart
March 2025. 2nd Upgrade, reawakening Global Circle of Sovereign Beings & active participants to greatly help facilitate Unity Consciousness deeply transformational year Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024)
April 2025. Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024) - Especially Sacral Chakra of Heart
March 2025. 3rd Upgrade, reawakening Global Circle of Sovereign Beings & active participants to greatly help facilitate Unity Consciousness deeply transformational year Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024)
June 2025. Heart: Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024) - Especially Solar Plexus Chakra of Heart
Reduction in land mines, bombs
​Healing, clearing for people that are still missing/disappeared last 30 years and affected relatives/close friends
Healing TB
To contribute, you just need to connect to receive energies for yourself and just BE. The pool of energies we co-create will go to group Focus. It is nice if you know where group energies will go during weekly 96hours Global Circle of Light.
This is preparation for greater work. Do invite friends as together we are much stronger. Even 5min before sleep makes a big difference.
Future Possibility:
As group grow in number and individuals feel better and their vibration increase the strength of the group will exponentially increase.
Guidance in 2016 was that actively taking 500+ is kind of really magical number to be really heard and to create new reality for community.
It is very important for you to take part in nominations/voting and ideas for communities and organisations you want to be included. ( FB Group is good for it)
How can you help/contribute:
1. Allow yourself to be filled with Joy, Love and Happiness.
2. Tune in as much as you can
3. Invite your friends/relatives even if they take part for few minutes
4. Send some nomination/comments
First 2 week participation is Free. After you tried, please support our work and allow to bring healing to greater number of people, see suggested contribution​​